The Dog Pack

We're married. Our dogs are best friends. Our dogs are our best friends.




Diane Blastic

Master ASL Interpreter, wife, excellent cook, loving pit bull momma. Diane loves long morning walks with her pack. She looks very sweet. Don't get it twisted, though. She'll cut ya.


Paul Hendricks

Devoted husband, author, big mouth, trainer. Paul excels at picking up dog poop. He also takes embarrassing pictures of his dogs just in case he needs to use them.


Barker Posey
Lead Asessment Dog

Humans didn't want me. They said I was
crazy. Well, look at me now. I'm a princess. 
My humans pick up my poop. Do yours?


Taylor Sullivan

Business Manager, Andy Warhol superfan, bird and bunny rescuer. Taylor is the third and youngest member of the Board, yet she’s also the most mature and organized. She enjoys fruity cocktails and running shit.


FKN Vito
Assessment dog

I look like a demon. Some humans are
afraid of me. They watch too much TV.
My kisses don't hurt, but my breath might.