We’re in the third month of 2019 and a lot has happened already. So much so that we had to clear our heads, refocus on our vision, and reset our intentions for Bully Ranch and the rest of the year. We announced in the fall of 2018 that we had joined forces with Love-A-Bull and obtained a ranch for our pit bull rescue and animal sanctuary. After several months and meetings, Bully Ranch and Love-A-Bull concluded that we could best support each other by remaining separate organizations.
This decision came with much deliberation, weighing both the pros and cons, while recognizing that we were preparing to move onto the ranch on March 1st. Diane and I also had to consider our dream of opening Bully Ranch and weigh how important our dream means to us versus the cost of joining another organization and compromising certain aspects of that dream to fulfill the vision of both organizations. In the end, we realized that the best Win-Win for both organizations was to remain independent of one another while still supporting each other’s missions. We remain steadfast in supporting Love-A-Bull as we strongly believe in their mission and have nothing but love for their board of directors and volunteers. Plus, there is no shortage of animals that can benefit from both of our organizations so having two separate ranches will only expand our reach.
Where does that leave Bully Ranch?
Bully Ranch is looking for a property in or around Austin to call home. While we search, we will continue to rescue pit bulls, provide them with rehabilitation and training, and find them forever families utilizing fosters until we have a “permanent” home. We will also continue to support our friends in Love-A-Bull and other organizations like the Orange Dot Crew with the Austin Animal Center.
Co-Founders Paul and Diane.
We are currently interviewing and adding additional board members, obtaining our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status (we were previously under Love-A-Bull’s), designing new merchandise, creating new content that includes blogs, videos, tutorials, guest blogs, and other things to tickle your fancy. We’re also scheduling fundraising events with some of our favorite places all over Austin that will take place throughout the rest of the year.
This has been both a challenging and exciting time for us as we explore all the opportunities in front of us while opening up to the possibilities of how great our future can and will be. I don’t want to be a tease, but we’ll talk more about exciting new developments in the near future.
How can I help?
There are several ways you can support Bully Ranch. Financial donations that cover the costs of food, veterinary expenses that include spaying and neutering, vaccinations, flea and tick treatment, heart worm prevention and treatments, shelter, training, and other various expenses that pop up are always welcome.
You can also become a foster (if in the Austin area), volunteer, write guest blogs, share our content, donate your services, donate a ranch, and/or purchase merchandise from our store. Please visualize us on a twenty-plus acre ranch, training dogs, training people, and tending to other various rescue animals. Please share any questions or suggestions you might have as our mission involves the community and we can’t do this without your support.
We’ve learned so much over the past year and are super excited about the future. We hope you share in our excitement and continue to support us. Much love from us to you!