Recently someone asked why we saved only pit bulls. I thought about it for a while and realized, we don’t. Let me explain. Yes, we focus on bully breeds. We have had a long love affair with pit bulls and make no bones about it.
Whether pet or human, the loss of a family member is hard. In the midst of grief over that loss, hearing, “it’s just a dog,” well, makes me want to punch someone in the throat.
Paul waxes nostalgic about his mom, his love for animals, and having a dark sense of humor.
RIP Patsy Ruth Hayes Hendricks
March 24, 1937 - April 25, 2019
Apparently Barker Posey heard that we were writing about her. Her response? Take over the reins and write her own blog. Hoping to spread the truth as she see’s it, check out Barker’s take on, well… The Barker Chronicles - According to Barker Posey.